• Wed, 04/30/2014 - 20:44

    Una vez publicado el calendario de charlas que se van a dar en la DrupalCamp 2014 puede que te asalte la duda que siempre llega cuando se va ir a un evento de estas características: ¿Que charlas tendría que ver?

    Normalmente antes de ir al evento nos estudiamos el listado de charlas aceptadas y el calendario y nos hacemos una pequeña guía de charlas que no deberíamos perdernos. Otra cosa es que una vez allí la sigamos, pero por lo menos ya vas con una idea más o menos clara de lo que quieres ver.

    Desde la organización de la DrupalCamp 2014 queremos ayudarte en esta tarea y hemos desarrollado una serie de guías que te pueden servir de ayuda para no perderte en el evento. Estas guías las hemos realizado en base a los perfiles de la gente que, normalmente, acude a una DrupalCamp:

    1. Guía DrupalCamp 2014 para los que empiezan con Drupal
    2. Guía DrupalCamp 2014 para Frontend Developers
    3. Guía DrupalCamp 2014 para Backend Developers
    4. Guía DrupalCamp 2014 para CEOs y CTOs

    Esperamos que puedan serte de ayuda y sobre todo que disfrutes al máximo de este evento.

  • Wed, 04/23/2014 - 09:05
    1. For improving his Drupal skills and make your company more competitive.
    2. Get ready for the future: Know the last news about Drupal 8.
    3. For meeting other professionals and friends to ask to.
    4. For engaging your employee: they will see that you want to grow together.
    5. For empowering the Drupal community, which will thrive with your company.
  • Tue, 04/22/2014 - 12:10
    1. Because you can use it as excuse to see Valencia, land of flowers and Fallas and the birthplace of the paella!
    2. To receive information / training / opinions / experiences / relationships firsthand about Drupal and people whom work to with the same tool as you.
    3. To get the last news about Drupal 8.
    4. To make contacts in the Drupal world, whether you work with it or you are looking for a company to be your provider.
    5. Because this year, among other things will be a lot of networking, networking and more networking!
    6. To give back in the sprints what the community has given to you.
    7. To complete your DrupalCamp T-shirt collection.
    8. To find / offer work related to Drupal in the Job Speed ​​Dating that will take place during the weekend.
    9. To know pleople who share the same interest as you.
    10. To improve the Drupal community, because without them... this will not be possible.

    If you want to come to the DrupalCamp sent by your company, fill this form and we will contact your boss.

  • Thu, 04/17/2014 - 18:06

    Our orange Druplicon has no name yet. Do you dare to suggest one? 

    If you are a creative person and you want to propose a name, you just have to send a tweet with the hashtag #IconDrupalCampEs including your suggestion. The twitt with more favs on Sunday April 20th at 23:59:59 will be chosen: 

    You can see all options to vote on this URL: 


    The winner will receive a small surprise and recognition of all attendees during the closing ceremony of the DrupalCamp.

  • Tue, 04/08/2014 - 21:28

    The call for papers is open and you can submit your sessions for DrupalCamp Spain 2014, but hurry up, the call for papers will be open only until the 21st of April.

    We like to hear about Drupal, but we also like sessions about other topics that help us to become a better professional.

    There are a lot of topics you can talk about:

    • Theming
    • Design
    • Frontend
    • Business
    • Devops
    • management
    • ...

    Don't be afraid on proposing a session even if is not about Drupal.

    But before submitting your session, you will need to create an account and then, read the speaker guidelines that you can find here

    Remember that you can only do it until the 21st of April.

  • Tue, 01/21/2014 - 20:41

    DrupalCamp Spain 2014 is here and will be huge!

    This year the event will be held in the city of Valencia and comes with big difference with the other events we have done before. The event will be in the Bancaja cultural centre: a historical bulding of the XIX century in the city center that works as a museum, theatre and venue for events.

    An extended event: Business day, training, sprints and more

    This year, the event will be three days long, starting the Friday the 16th of May to Sunday the 18th.

    During the Friday, we will offer three options. If you want to contribute to the project, you can join the sprints. If you are new to the Drupal environment, you can join some of the trainings we will have for you. If you are more in the business side, don't worry: we have a Business Day where you can discuss with other CEOs or CTOs from Spain and the rest of the world.

    But the business and beginers content will not finish the Friday: during the rest of the event we will also have sessions for you.

    Networking, networking and more networking

    During this camp, we are also organizing more activities to do some networking and met other drupaleros from around the world:

    During the Saturday and Sunday we will have space for BoFs or just to meet someone in a more private environment.

    We will also have the traditional Saturday Party with dinner and drinks. All included with your DrupalCamp ticket!

    But that's not all, as a novelty:

    The Friday night will start with a Talent Show, where you can prove that you are not only good at Drupal. How the drupaleros will surprise us?

    On Saturday or Sunday we will organize a Job Speed Dating: if you are looking for a job or need someone for a job, this is the place to be.

    Help us make the best DrupalCamp

    Are you interested in having a more important role in the event? We are looking for sponsors to help us pay the expenses of the event. Contact us to see all we have to offer for you.

    Is formation your business? Do you want to organize a training during the Friday? We still have some place for more training courses. Contact us to organize it.

    Do you have any other idea or suggestion for the event? Is there any other way you can help us? We will love to hear it, don't hesitate to contact us.

    More information soon

    Soon we will release the new website, where you will be able to buy the tickets or submit your session propossals. But for now, why don't you join our newsletter where you will be the first one to hear the news about the event?
