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Amitai Burstein

Amitai Burstein

The Gizra Way - Approaching a Closed Source Project with Open Source Tools

Date: 17/05/2014
Why did Harvard University pick an Open Source platform to power its websites (and how we became involved), why did the White House made a similar decision (and why we couldn't send them an invoice, even though we really wanted to), and how come the capitalist Paypal used a communist Open Source (and why that isn't actually so). Open Source doesn't just refer to a technology, but to a different attitude and mindset. I'll discuss the values that enabled this approach to become a leader in contemporary software development:

  • The tools & thinking of Open Source, and why they're worth implementing
  • Total transparency as a way to reach accuracy
  • Teamwork, and the role of the "benevolent dictator"
  • The vulnerable points of a distributed project
  • Is Open Source cheaper?
  • How to migrate from closed source to open


You can watch the video of this talk here


Amitai Burstein, Co-Founder and CTO at Gizra, a software development company specializing in Drupal and other Open Source solutions.

Twitter: @amitaibu