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Aplicaciones profesionales con TDD


Duration: 8 hours

POO, Design Patterns, Clean Code, TDD, Mocks ...

Minimum Requirements:

Teacher: Carles Climent

The course will be in two parts; the first to introduce all necessary concepts, starting with the initialization of a project with Composer. We will develop a component-based technique using TDD PHP application, which then you'll put a web layer Silex, Doctrine and Twig.
In the second part, students will develop their own application using the concepts learned, and Carles will be with them to resolve any questions you may have.

This training will be in spanish only:

Who is it for?
- Web Developers

When will be?
Friday 16th, starting at 9:00.

By the decission of the teacher, all proceeds will be donated to the Animal Humane Society of Valencia.

100,00 €